Made in the UAE

My book featuring over 75 interviews of Dubai’s most successful entrepreneurs.

Secrets of

Dubai's top entrepeneurs

Would you like to know the top 3 books recommended by …?

One of the daily habits for success by ….

Characteristics every entrepreneur should have – according to ….

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50+ interviews

I have spent years interviewing entrepeneurs and successful business people throughout Dubai.

I’m priviledged to be able to present these to you for the first time.

Coaching for entrepreneurs

Have you ever dreamt of starting a business? Would you like someone to support you through the process giving guidance, motivation and support? Perhaps you are wondering how to start a side hustle with an already full schedule? Did you know that coaching can improve sales and focus?

Through interviews with over 100 of the regions leading entrepreneurs I have a unique insight into the success factors that the best entrepreneurs have in common. We will be discussing how you can incorporate these principles into your business from day one!


I am the only Coach in Dubai, who offers a 100% satisfaction warranty with every session.
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